Cheat Sheet Legend
½ fig 8 dancing 4 bars in the shape of half a figure eight and will finish either on the opposite side or back on your own side
½ reel half figure of eight - can be done on the sides or up and down the set
Note: all reels of 3 are figures of 8 - all figures of 8 are not reels of 3
2s up 2nd couple move up the sides of the dance
4H across two couples giving right hands in the middle, dance round for 4 bars – often followed by dancing left hands back
4H round 2 couples joining hands in a circle and dancing to the left (usually) to begin
6H round 3 couples joining hands in a circle and dancing to the left (usually) to begin
allemande position as promenade but then hands are raised above the woman’s right shoulder
BH joining both hands
balance all setting in a line holding hands (usually) on the diagonal when facing in opposite directions
e.g. 2M facing up 1W facing down, 1M facing up 2W facing down
cast to pull back with the shoulder at the top of the set (or the bottom if stated)
corner, partner turn 1st corner then turn partner in the middle – turn 2nd corner then partner again
crossover reel(s) 1st couple crosses down to the opposite side to dance the reel and finish in their partner’s place. In crossover reels they cross down to begin and then cross down again from their partner’s place to finish the reel exactly where they started on their own side dance down nearer hands joined, dance down the middle of the set away from the music
fig 8 dancing 8 bars in the shape of a figure eight
fin finish or finishing (as in 1C fin facing 1st corners)
lead down right hand in right hand lead partner down the middle of the set
LS reel give left shoulder to person you begin reeling with
opp side opposite side of the dance (e.g. if dancing as a woman it means men’s side)
promenade position with partner hands are crossed in front
reel figure of eight – done on the sides, across top or bottom or on the diagonal
RH across two couples giving right hands in the middle, dance round for 4 bars – often followed by dancing left hands back
RH across ½ way dancing round for 2 bars giving hands across
RS reel give right shoulder to person you begin reeling with
set done on the spot – pas de basque for jigs and reels – common schottische for strathspeys